Monday, July 27, 2009

KAY COUTURE has moved

Recently KAY COUTURE moved to a new location, bigger and better. Attached to the store now you find a nice beach area where you can fish and relax.

On Saturday I reopened the new store with a fashion show and a gret after party with DJ Sodia Diage (she rocked!). My models did an awsome job despite the lag, thank you again Arialee, Preciouss, Luna, Xenobia, Charli and Eden!

See some pictures of the show below, courtesy of Roland Zepp who also made a show catalog. Thank you Roland!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Some new outfits

Four new outfits are available at KAY COUTURE - and I would say there is something for every taste. Just take a look yourself!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

First KAY COUTURE Fashion Show at Classic with Style

First fashion show today at Classic with Style. The sim was full, and i want to thank everybody for coming! Special thanks as well to the awsome models who did a great job despite lag and even a griefer attack (i will never understand what brings people to ruin someone elses fun).

Here are some pictures from the show:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

KAY WENDY up for Sale

Many of you asked me last night about the dress I was wearing, so I decided to put it up for sale today.
KAY WENDY comes with mod permissions, so you can color it and wear a different color every time you put it on... I hope you enjoy :)

Grand Opening of KAY COUTURE

Wow, what an awsome party we had last night! I want to thank you all who came and shopped and partied with me again! You are all awsome. The feedback you gave me on my designs was so overwhelming! I was able to donate over 5000 L$ to Relay For Life, thanks to you generous shoppers. Special thanks also to DJ Sofia who did an awsome job entertaining us all.

I hope we will have many more great events here and would love to see you all back then!